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CEA Software
Civil Engineering Assistant
How it works
The CEA is an AI-powered, cloud-based software that stores, organizes and analyses structured and unstructured data (including, but not limited to, texts, images, drawings, inspection reports and other structural data, sensor generated data, environmental, weather and traffic data, etc.), resident in any accessible file, to provide the digitalization of the existing data, assemble them inside one single environment, recognize the root cause of the anomalies visible on the structures and forecast their evolution over time.
The goal of the CEA is to support the Responsible Engineers to remotely assess the conditions of the asset and the actions recommended to optimize its service life, as well as Operations and Maintenance Departments in budgeting, planning and optimizing Maintenance, and Compliance and Risk Departments in implementing their duties.
Civil Engineering Experts need to be supported by Digital Technologies (AI, Computer Vision, Cloud)
The multi year R&D effort with IBM, PAI, NEOEXPERIENCE and Sund&Baelt has created the ability of A.I. for digital defect recognition and diagnoses of root causes.
Asset operators can now improve their life cycle management of assets and optimize capital expenditure and better minimize risk.
Engineering companies can now leverage the mountains of data available from images, sensors, documentation and public sources to improve their services in structural health monitoring and management.
Based on
3 service modules
Digital Twin
Digital library of the structure, including design report and drawings, the BIM simplified model, past and present inspection reports, weather conditions in the last 60 years, 3D photogrammetric model and set of images of the structure with 3D positioning.
Digital Inspection
Defects identification and positioning within the 3D model through proprietary AI algorithm and collection of pictures used for the defects analysis and with the final defect report.
Digital Assessment
Structural assessment of each defect, with risk classification for engineering review, developed using the most known and agreed international standards and formulas about concrete ageing, damaging and danger/risk.
Digital Maintenance
Tracking of required inspection timeframe and ability to log performance of maintenance and automatic generation of the maintenance contract templates from the annotated BIM model.
Coming soon.
A four step process to ensure systematic, high quality inspections
A four-step process designed to elevate quality and efficiency. From initial data capture to expert engineering review, each phase seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technologies.